The best podcast on the Italian language 🎙🇮🇹


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La “S”
Come mai Katia pronuncia la “s” come una doppia “zz” ? Molto strano

Bellissimo podcast!
È divertente e utile. Amo la scuola Leonardo!

Cinema Panettone
Excellent comme toujours, mais je ne trouve pas la transcription italienne, j’aime relire pour m’assurer de bien tout comprendre.

Very useful
Very useful for learning Italian! Short dialogues where I always learn new words

Grazie - Veronica e Alessio
grazie per stai concentrazione sull’espressioni, al ultima parte della conversazione, perché ci quelle potremo prenda e usarli alla prossima livello nello nostro sacco di trucchi Italiano. Davide Perth Australia

Ottimo podcast
Really great for those who already speak some Italian or are learning and want to improve. The length is perfect and the hosts are clear and easy to understand.
Great opportunity to learn new words and to keep training the language with fun!
Keeping up on track with the Italian language and not only. Food, fashion, art, culture, music, curiosities and much more.
Argomenti interessanti e puntate molto divertenti!

Muito bom!
Sem dúvida um grandíssimo podcast para quem está aprendendo a língua italiana. Seria legal se vocês também pudessem disponibilizar o texto para acompanhar enquanto falam. Abraços do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil!
Molto utile!
I love it!
Excellent and fun
It's a very good one
All subject is so interesting and happy to listen to the program every week. It's useful to know the latest news in Italy and the cultural episode. In the end of each program we can find the helpful learning of Italian idioms. I am expecting the next podcast.

Interessante! 新しいイタリア語勉強法!
テンポがいい、短い、分かりやすい! 新しいイタリア情報を得られます! 最後に新しい言葉の紹介もあって、語彙も増やせます。ますます目が離せないスクオーラ-レオナルド-ダヴィンチですね。